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Friday, August 5, 2011

Response to Lauren’s Blog, Rick Perry for President?

In response to my class mate Lauren Bowden’s Blog, Rick Perry for president?, I completely agree that Rick Perry is not the best candidate to run for president to replace President Barack Obama. Perry is exactly what the United States economy does not need, an arrogant conservative. Perry is not the right candidate for presidency because he is not humble enough. He boasted about being the one in charge of making Texas a “Land of Opportunity” because he believed that he was keeping Texas in the position of having a positive job market. Well if you look at the times now, more and more people are being laid off. Even teachers, who we thought had the most secure jobs, are being laid off. What happened to this wonderful “Land of Opportunity”? 

Perry is also not a great candidate for president because he is worse than the politicians that say they are going to do something and never do it, Perry causes those who he says he is going to help to be in worse position than they were in before he tried to lend assistance. 

Although I do not believe Rick Perry should have the chance at being a frontrunner for the Republican presidential spot, as Lauren said, he does have a chance. According to National Journal Political Insider’s Poll, Rick Perry has been close behind Mitt Romney as getting the Republican candidate spot. What possibly could voters see in Perry that would make them want to choose him? I think most of his supporters are those that do not live in Texas. I think many of his supporters believe what he is saying that he will do and they haven’t had to experience what it is like being governed by Perry. Hopefully Mitt Romney will stay ahead, for the sake of our country.

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