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Monday, August 1, 2011

Who is the Government Really Governing?

With the budget deficits being so large around the country you would think that most people will struggle in the recession due to the fact that it is affecting the entire United States economy, but not politicians. Here in Texas, times have gotten so bad that the Texas government cannot afford to help poor elderly people stay cool during this ongoing heat wave.  According to many news sources, the Texas government has accumulated $130 million in state funds to help those who are financially unstable and cannot pay their electricity bills. Out of that $130 million, only $28 million are being given to those who really need it. A member of the Texas Ratepayer’s Organization to Save Energy said, “When we have such extreme heat, where people’s lives are in danger, it is like legal larceny,” and I completely agree.
How can Texas government leaders allow people’s lives to become endangered and not do anything about it? The government is supposed to be “by the people and for the people,” but when I look around and check the latest news stories, what I see are THE PEOPLE struggling. Those in government and the friends of those in government are resting nicely on their yachts or in their mansions in the refreshing air condition. To me this is ludicrous.
Not only has the budget deficit reduced the amount of help the elderly receive, but it has also created a large decline in available jobs. Teachers, those who we thought would always have a secure job, are now being laid off. What happened to Governor Rick Perry’s “Land of Opportunity” that he boasts about leading? It seems to me that Texas politicians are helping themselves more than their constituents. In that case, let one of us fed up college students run for office, I am sure we can give the people what they need, because we need it too.


  1. In the recent blog titled "Who is the Government Really Governing?" My classmate Bianca reveals how the Texas government is neglecting its people in order to benefit its own government officials. The recent downfall concerning the economy has affected many people throughout the United States. Compared to most states Texas continues to do well despite the economy, however, its residents are still impacted by this issue. The Texas government is now faced with the issue concerning the large budget deficit and how to get it under control. With an already struggling economy some Texans may have to go without. One group of people that have already been impacted by the budget crisis would be the elderly. Bianca uses the example of how the government is not using an adequate amount of funding in order to supply the elderly and the poor with the proper assistance concerning their electricity bills. She expresses that this is something crucial with the extreme Texas heat and it is the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of its people. Texas is struggling financially, however that does not mean that its people need to struggle along with it. This blog reveals that it is the government’s duty to provide assistance to all of its residents, not just the elite group of people.
    In this article Bianca addresses an interesting point by revealing how the Texas government does not fully assist its people. I would have to agree with her view that it is the government’s responsibility to provide adequate assistance in order to better the lives of its people. Unfortunately with the recent budget crisis many groups other than just the elderly and poor will be negatively affected by the government’s choices. Legislature is now examining what cuts could be made among state programs in order to improve the budget. Some of these programs up for debate include healthcare, education and retirement plans which will impact the majority of those living in Texas.

  2. Bianca Jones, a classmate in my Texas Government course, has written an interesting passage regarding politicians, underprivileged citizens, and the economic recession present in our entire country. The piece mentions the unaffected government leaders versus the less fortunate citizens in need. It is absurd that these "leaders" seem to experience no life changes or negative effects from these difficult economic times, but our less fortunate individuals that simply need to stay cool in the extreme heat, for example, are often being put in situations that are unnecessarily harmful in my opinion. The elderly population, more specifically, are greatly affected by the heat because their bodies are not able to tolerate the intense temperatures as a younger person can. If they get too over-heated or become dehydrated, it can become a seriously hazardous situation. Their internal mechanics cannot compensate as quickly to overcome what seems uncomplicated to many younger people's bodies. Some elderly people are also unable to care for themselves independently, but basic daily care for them cannot be funded by the government for unknown reasons. Their health care is often not a priority either when it needs to be provided by our government. Every individual should be treated as a person with important basic needs, not treated like a case number or a "lost dollar sign" or an amount of money.

    My classmate has stated our government claims to be, "by the people and for the people". I completely agree with Bianca because when people's lives are in danger, the priorities are not appropriately in order. Human lives are without a doubt, infinitely more important than politicians' yachts, mansions, or other lavish belongings. Where exactly are the funds ending up? If working citizens of all ages are struggling with paying their bills and financially scraping by day to day, the citizens in need labeled as also struggling are most likely being under-represented. My colleague has expressed the point, short and simple, our government leaders must be callous and without compassion to not recognize the significant struggles of our disadvantaged citizens. Our government claims to be for its people, then they need to stand up and provide for those that are unable to provide these fundamental elements for themselves!
