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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reply to: Still Indifferent

I completely agree with what Paige is saying, in her blog “Still Indifferent, about having Texas political views and Gov. Rick Perry. I am a native Texan, but the way the lawmakers think is completely opposite of anything I believe in. And how can Gov. Perry still be in office if every news article is complaining about the bad decisions he is making and has made?  After he proposed a bill that would force school girls to get the vaccine for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), his merits should have been reevaluated. 

Although Paige says that she is indifferent about her political views, after what I have been learning, I know that I am definitely not a Republican, and I do not have a conservative mindset. If being Republican means agreeing to help kids become less intelligent, keeping  those that are sick or hurt in their current condition because they cannot afford healthcare, or raising taxes to help fight illegal-immigration, when there are more important issues at stake, then I can definitely say I am not a Republican. I know not all Republicans make horrible decisions, but those at the top level of government do, and that is what matters because they are the ones making laws and creating disasters. 

In an article called,”Perry's Texas has jobs, but also good luck,” Governor Rick Perry states how Texas is going to become “America’s new land of opportunity.” What opportunity is he allowing non-Texans to have, because many of Texans are struggling very badly in his so called land of opportunity? And may I remind you, he is Republican. Like I said, I know all Republicans are not bad, but this kind of statement pushes me away from anything Republican. I am no longer indifferent to politics because I am experiencing the effects of politics, and it has made me take a side. Democrats all the way, or at least until they get crazy too, then I might just become an Independent like the rest of my generation.

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