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Monday, June 27, 2011

Texas Lawmakers and School Finances...

This article, found at, discusses the education cuts that are being made in Texas. Texas House Members created a measure that would cause a $4 billion budget cut in state education. I am from Tarrant County and they are discussing how they will cut $260 million from that county alone in the next two years. This article made a good point that, “cutting funding fails to account the steady growth in enrollment and could erode the quality of education.” Out of all the budgets to cut, why does it seem education is taking the hardest hit? This article is worth reading because it shows how the government can be hypocritical and people should be aware of how government spending is affecting our educational well-being. They force us to go to school, but they expect us to go to a school that is under-funded, over-crowded, and lacking of resources to learn effectively. And what is even more appalling is that in order to balance these budget cuts they are raising sales taxes during bad economic times. I thought Governor Perry said that Texas was in such a great shape that they would not need to raise taxes in order to manage a deficit? Is the Texas government trying to make Texans dumb and broke?

(Montgomery, Dave. Star-Telegram. June 9, 2011.)

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