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Monday, July 11, 2011

Legislature’s health care proposal could harm too many

This editorial called Legislature’s health care proposal could harm too many found in the Dallas Morning News discusses the health care proposal that the Texas Legislature is trying to pass.  The source of this editorial seems very credible because the evidence being used to support the claim being stated is coming from the Center for Public Policy Priorities. The Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit policy institute committed to improving public policies in order to better the economic and social conditions of the majority of Texans, which consists of those with low- and moderate-incomes. By using a well known organization that has defined itself around this issue of healthcare assistance, the editorial has credibility.
The author’s audience is the Texas citizen, and the purpose is to inform us of the Legislature’s plan to reform our healthcare system in Texas. The author thinks part of the SB 7 plan is a good idea because it would allow doctors to get paid for the results they produced rather than on the amount of work they do.  I agree that this is a great plan because then patients will not be paying for unnecessary tests to be performed just so the doctor can make more money. Instead the doctors will be getting paid on how well they help the patient. This changes the entire structure of the health care system and puts the consumer in mind before the doctor’s profits. But then we have to read the other half of the bill that states the United States government will give a set amount of funding and the states would be in control of Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP coverage. I also agree that the other half of the bill is not a good plan. If the United States government turns over a specific amount of money to the Texas Legislature to match and disperse the funds to those in need, the Texas government would give it to those who are funding their re-election campaigns. The Texas Legislature is not worried about us students, the poor, or the elderly in Texas. Texas has a horrible track record when it comes to dealing with social services. If there is anything that could be done to stop this bill from passing, it should be done. Passing this bill is not in the best interest of the majority of the state of Texas, just the wealthy minority.  It is a good idea to make health care more affordable, but not with this plan. Under a healthcare plan like this, assistance will not exist for many.
Published 17 June 2011, Source: The Center for Public Policy Priorities

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